Monday, January 18, 2010


I had a good day of work today. Finished one job started another and another one tomorrow. I usually listen to the radio or audio book but I'm trying to stop and just listen to silence for a while. To be alone with my thoughts. And if they're my thoughts, I'm very alone. Well, not really. In fact I have the opposite problem. My marriage counselor (Yep, marriage counselor. Sorry to spoil the image of perfection. He's on speed dial...) says I have A.D.D. or something close to it. I prefer to say I'm child-like. Anyway, my thoughts don't stick around for long and anything profound or just interesting disappears if I don't write it down.I have a note pad to write stuff down but the thought of putting it in my pocket vanishes before I can get around to doing it. Sigh. So I have a very active mind.
I've worked for myself for 14 years and I've worked alone so I have lost the art of casual conversation. At least while I work. For some reason I can't push a brush and roller and talk at the same time (insert "walk and chew gum" joke here). I have to stop and listen. Which is ok 'cause I enjoy conversation. But time is money. It bugs me to see workers jawing instead of working. It's because they work for 12 bucks an hour and not the company. Grrr. So where was I going with this?(A.D.D.!) Oh. So I'm on a ladder and in my silence I'm trying to listen to the voice of my DAD. I ask all kinds of questions, tell Him my woes, tell Him good stuff. tell Him a few jokes (He never laughs which is killing my ego...). I would LOVE to hear back. I do some, but what I have in mind is more like a conversation. Of course maybe He knows I'd never get work done (how much work would YOU get done if God was talking to you...?). I just want it to be like a Father/son business and we'd both be out there doin' the stuff together. Well, that's what I want. Will I get it? I don't know. Is that how it was for Jesus?(talk about a Father/Son business!!) But I'm willing to pursue it. It all starts, for me, with silence......
Let me know about your conversations with God.

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