Friday, December 23, 2011

A New Year

This is the first blog I've typed on a laptop and it's hard for me to get used to the keyboard. That's why it's taking me so long to type this. In case you were wondering why so slow...

I have a song stuck in my head. Well, really just three words of a song. They say it's a sign of a tired mind when this happens. It's a sign of a SMALL mind when it's only three words. Actually, I don't even know if it was a real song. It was the theme to a TV show- do those count? The Love Boat theme. I watched that show all the time. Fantasy Island too. They came on on Saturday nights which is why I could watch them. All my friends had dates with the fairer sex those nights. Me? I thought it was a good idea to skip the date stuff and watch a shows with a guys named Gopher and Tattoo. Yep. Small mind.

"...Exciting and new...". Those are the words stuck in my head. I guess I had been thinking about the "exciting and new" year coming up and after such a trying year just ending I was being hopeful. Hope springs eternal right?

I've been married 20 some odd years. I say it like this because I never remember exactly how many it really is. I think 27? 28? It's like my kids birthday's. At some point you don't really need to KNOW their age as much as to know what day to give a gift. Same with anniversaries right? I buy chocolates and flowers on February 10th. Or is it the 11th....

Something I noticed in my 20 some odd years is when we get into and argument and it's not ironed out before bed we have to have start from the beginning all over again the next day because I don't remember what we talked about the night before. I feel for my poor wife. I'd like to blame it on being a guy but nah, it's just me.I have a vague memory of the "discussion" but not the emotion or intensity or details of it. Like my life was reset over night and I start all over anew. As if...

It would be great to start over though wouldn't it? There was movie a couple years ago called 50 First Dates in which a lady couldn't remember ANYTHING from the previous day. No worries or hang-ups with our yesterdays, we just move into a bright future. In a way I think we all hope for this on January first. The big reset in our lives each year. It's in vogue to poo-poo new years resolutions and not start anything different. Or instead of resolutions we set "goals" which is laughable. Same thing as far as I can tell. But January 1st is a hopeful time and I'm bound and determined to make some resolutions! So here goes....

-Learn to type. This hunting and pecking is for amateurs. Though I'm doing less and less hunting as the keys seem to be in the same place from day to day.
-Invent a new keyboard. You know how they have those phones for old people with 2 inch wide buttons? I want a keyboard like that, like 3 feet wide so when I give up learning to type next week I'll have something easier to use.
-Exercise more. I have the equipment and the desire. I'd like to have the git up and go to play with the grand kids.
-Eat better
-Eat better
-Eat better
-Wash my wife's car. It's not a fancy car but at least it could clean.
-Deny myself, take up the cross and follow Jesus. At least some. Last year was pathetic

Well, that's enough. I'll be happy if I do a few of them for more than a few weeks. At least until my anniversary on February 10th. ish. I pray that as you enter your new year there is an optimism about life in the coming 12 months. That God will grant you the desires of your heart and that your desires aren't stupid. I'd like to type a bit more but I really got to pee sooo....

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