Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ohhhh...I Get It!

I see they're re-releasing Star Wars Episode 1- The Phantom Menace in February. In 3-D. I guess that's good news. I say I guess because I'm not sure I really liked it. I am a huge Star Wars fan and it had been 16 years since the last one came out so I was really excited and wanted so bad for this one to be good. And I guess it was good except for one thing. That stupid Jar Jar Binks!


 That's a lame beginning. I've been wanting to write something for Christmas day to post but it's just not coming together. I had an idea come to mind while watching The Grinch on the 2nd most high holy day of the Christmas season, Black Friday and ever since then I've been rolling it over in my mind and talking to myself to try to get something going. I keep talkin' but I just can't find it. Those homeless people you see talking to themselves as they walk down the street? They're not crazy. Just trying to write a blog.

It was epiphany. That was the thought I had watching the Grinch Who Stole Christmas a couple weeks back. Epiphany is, according to (does anyone use a paper dictionary anymore?)  "a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight  into the essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple or commonplace occurrence, experience or understanding". That's what the Grinch experienced while pulling on his sleigh trying not to let his ill gotten booty cascade over the precipice into the void of eternity. Wow. That was a good sentence. Think I'll save that one and use it when I write something good. "...into the void of eternity...."

Basically the Grinch got it. As the Who's in Whoville sang (what IS that song anyway?) the Grinch had his epiphany and his heart grew 3 times it's normal size, breaking out of the xray measuring box and he lifts the sleigh and returns the whole kit and kabootle to Whoville, repents and gives all the stuff back and is given the seat of honor and gets to carve the roast beast while sitting next to Cindy Lou Who, that's who. Always a happy ending in the cartoons.

The paragraph you're not reading now is about Darth Vader and HIS epiphany which would have tied in nicely with the opening paragraph. sigh...dummy.

Thomas needed an epiphany. You remember him, the one who doubted? He got it. Jesus showed up and stood in front of a guy He'd walked with every day for 3 years who still didn't get it. He held out His hands and told Thomas to touch and see. He did and he did. My Lord and my God Thomas said. That must have felt so good. Jesus said it was good he finally got it but it would have been better if he'd just figured it out  without the touching. I guess I always wanted to be one of the ones who just heard and believed and I think maybe I'm sorta that way but but I'm realizing I some times need to touch His hand.

I want an epiphany for Christmas. To see and feel those nail scared hands. I want to wake up this day and get it. Get that God is real and is worthy of ALL my love, attention and affection. He's worth dying for, worth being made fun of for, worth not being liked for. He is worth having nothing if it meant I could get closer to Him or help others get there too. Epiphany. It's a gift and I want to get it. For my Dad.

Merry Christmas and happy epiphany to you all.

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