Monday, September 26, 2011

World Tour

       I heard God was going to be in St. Pete this past weekend. God? Who knew He had a tour going? This must have been the Florida leg. I wasn't going to go because it cost $275. I knew the economy was weak but how bad is it when God charges $275. I'd always been told salvation was free...

      I was out of work last week (previously mentioned weak economy?) so I spent some time at the church building doing some repairs. Some guy showed up 2 years ago and ripped out some rotten wood and never returned to finish. Amazing. It's no wonder he's out of money and no one calls him back.sigh. My wife's just happy I finally finished something I started.

      Tom came buy while I was working. I love Tom- he's one of the long hairs from the 60's who love Jesus. He said I should come to St. Pete with the other men to see God. He said the money was there for me to go and since I was out of work I should pick up my mat and follow him. I figured how often do you get to see God for free (at least these days) so I went.

      The drive down was nice. Tom can TALK! Lots of stories about the Jesus movement back in the day. I did try to pray a bit during the few quiet moments going down. I didn't want to meet Him cold without have done SOME religious stuff! When I pray I really do try to listen to Him speak to me so I said some stuff and waited. I couldn't wait too long 'cause like I said, Tom likes to talk. I thought I heard Him say "Fart", as in I should. I mean, I had to but how often does God tell you to fart? I never even say the word and here's God saying Fart?I think it was kind of a break the ice in a car full of men thing I think. I didn't but I should have. Then we'd ALL have stories to tell.

      We bunked up at an Episcopal camp ground which was nice. The cabins were nice and the beds were comfy, the food was good (it was all you could eat so the quality wasn't so important) and they had rocking chairs on the porch. If you don't know me, that last part was very important. Still, a little chintzy if you're having God come in don't you think? He said don't worry though. He'd stayed at a Holiday Inn Express so it was all good. Cool.

       We had lots of meetings. You've been to these things - they're terrible for guys with ADHD, why we need the rockers. Lots of stuff said and all good and helpful and all but I was there to see the main act, hear what HE had to say but the warm up acts just kept coming and coming. For THREE days! In the between times they asked us to take our journals and go to a quiet place and pray. Listen. Nod off wasn't in the program but I did a little of that too. I went to the rocking chair every time. I rocked for hours this weekend. I was disappointed though. He never did show up for the meetings

       I'm home now. Some how a better man. It turns out God likes to rock too. He had His chair next to mine on the deck. His was a better chair than mine, it didn't make any noise so I was surprised to learn He was there and that He had said a lot. Things I needed to hear, thing I need to learn a lot more about. Maybe I'll write about it one day. We spent some time on the value thing because He knows I have trouble with that one. I don't think I'm much of a man sometimes. Not valuable. He says we have some work to do on that one but that He's up to the task. He's very nice to me. And very committed. He's a good Dad.

       So keep your eyes open. I don't know how long the tour goes for but if you see it advertised make it a point to go. You wont regret it. And bring a chair. He likes to rock.

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