Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I was thinking about You today which, as You know, is more rare than I want people to know, being a spiritual big-wig and all. Anyway, I was listening to that Nat King Cole version of The Christmas Song and it made me think of this time of year and how much I love it and also reminded me of last years Christmas and what a downer it was and I just started thinking about You and how despite what my life looks like at the moment You're always there. You just care about me. Your nature I guess. I wish I were more aware of You and more loving and grateful. I'm sorry I'm not. I think I love You, just hard sometimes for me to love someone I can't see. Just ask the ones I CAN see!

So I was thinkin' about stuff and and was impressed with what You've done to me and for me so I wanted to offer up thanks....

Despite being unlovable You loved me. Thanks.
You loved Your Son but sacrificed Him for me. Wow.
Not only did You redeem my spirit You gave me YOUR Spirit.
My behavior doesn't affect Your love Or Your Spirits work to make me like You.
You are kind beyond measure, especially to me.
You gave sight and sound to this once deaf and blind man.
You are love and You do even when I don't. Mystery.
There is something about You I can't let go of (though sometimes I try)
I have a family. They love me. YOU did that!
Some have much and are poor. I have little but am Yours and so am rich.
I do anything to live. You died so I could.
I'm kinda lazy. I'm so glad You're not.

I could go on I guess but I've lost the desire to sit here and type. You are so much more than my mind can type on the keyboard. It's the end of the year and looking back I'm disappointed in my performance. My hope and prayer is that in this next year my words, actions and thoughts will be so pleasing to You. You deserve much better of me and I sure hope that if I die this time next year I'll stand before You and You'll say "Dude! That was awesome!". In Your surfer voice. Thanks Dad. Later

1 comment:

  1. Wow Mark...I want you to get this. "Dude you are awesome!" I made you and love you the way you are. You love my people and want to share my love with all. I hear my words leave your mouth and it makes me proud. You put into motion what others think about. You are my son and I relish our times together. Be still and hear my voice it's not about your performance, it's about our relationship and the time we spend together. I love spending time with you my son. Lots of laughs followed by tears and renching! these are the times that we fill close to each other. Continue to follow me and I will direct you!

    So that was random...I had a few words for you. Lots of love Sue Sue
