Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Things I Love

My mom's cat died this week . Or last . We're not sure . The smell appeared this week so I'm guessing it met it's demise last week . She doesn't listens to me . I told her you can only keep a cat in your trunk for so long .

I had a cat that I really loved when I was a kid . Tiger Paws . More than his feet looked like a tiger so I'm not sure why only his paws got the credit but there you go . Moms doing . Probably because when she threw him in the trunk and slammed the lid on his legs that's all that was showing . Mom has a way with animals .

Mr. Howard lived next door and had a dog named Brutus who chased Tiger Paws up a tree one day and commenced to camp out at the base of the tree until his meal came down . It was a long wait . After 3 days Mr. Howard got tired of the kid next door crying and saying "here kitty kitty" so he called someone . Turns out the fire Department doesn't rescue cats after all , no matter what the children's books tell you . He called a tree service . Perhaps if I'd been calling "Tiger Paws" instead of kitty kitty we could have avoided this whole episode . I loved that cat .

I loved Andrea Palmer too . She was my first kiss , behind the shed . We started dating in 3rd grade and made it to 5th grade before she called it off  when she found out Tommy Billings had hair on his chest . Loser . If she could only see me now . I have mine braided ! Still , first love . . . .

I love Lou Fortier . My best friend from a long long time ago and a galaxy far far away . We met at church and have been fast friends ever since . Not sure why he liked me but I chose him on account of he had a car , a Mustang . Don't get all excited . It was brown and was from the mid 70's , not Mustangs finest hour . And it was haunted which was awesome .  It moaned . Maybe because it was brown and from the mid 70's . No moaning about Lou though - the most best friend ever .

I love music . I put my Ipod on shuffle today and was surprised at all the different kinds of stuff on there . I think that's called eclectic . Of everything I heard today it's the instrumental stuff that gets me going , I think because I fill in my own words or thoughts . I play along with my air guitar , keyboard or drums and look . . .  ridiculous . Still . I missed my calling .

The blog isn't long enough to tell you all the reasons I love my wife . Suffice it to say she's the air in my balloon , the jelly in my doughnut and the varooooom in my motor . Might be good if I told her some of this stuff .

I so love my kids and would be happy to live with any one of them in my later years when I'm too frail and need help going to the bathroom .

I love doughnuts and pastries and cupcakes . Did I mention doughnuts ?

I love my bible . My in-laws gave it to me back in the 80's and for a book that is as little used as it is it sure is tattered . Lots of yellow highlighted things and underlined truths . Do you find it hard to understand in some places? I'm a bit ashamed to say after all these years I'm far from a scholar and sometimes barely a novice . A lot of life seems at odds with some of the things I read and being of smallish mind I ache over what is truth . I so want to know . So I keep reading .

This is the point where I'm supposed to say I love God most of all , last paragraph and all . And I do but I'm all too aware of my own foibles and short comings and so sometimes I wonder . Is it enough ? Do I put out ? Love Him with the abandon He is due ? Nah . But I try and hope to hear one day "Well done Good and faithful servant" and know He means it . That tattered book I have says He loves me . Always did . Always will . I love that about Him . My prayer is that on my final day , when I breath my last and I find myself in His presence I can say "I loved You so much , with all my heart " and He'll say "Yeah, you did! C'mon , lets go get a doughnut"!

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