Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Save The Ta-Ta's

        I've never liked breasts . I know I know, I'm an idiot . Big, small, stark white or golden brown I was never attracted . I do however , fancy myself a leg man , the lower half to be exact . Don't get me wrong , thighs are nice but sometimes there can be a little too much fat and depending on the situation can be a bit hard to hold onto . But the leg is perfect size and shape . Not normal in America but there you go . Plus , really , when it comes right down to it , I don't even LIKE chicken .

        A pair of breasts I DO like  belong to my wife . One of the reasons I married her . Ok , it was the personality , character , intelligence , and loving kindness that wooed me . But those things are hard to see at a hundred yards .

       Someone else saw her breasts this past month . I'm an open kinda guy , I said it was ok . It was her doctor . She even got pictures , something even I don't don't have . A few days later the Dr. said she didn't like the pictures and thought a little poking and prodding were in order . Needle biopsy .

       A-typical . It was kind of a fancy Dr. word that means "Hummm...that doesn't look normal" . Don't you wish they'd learn to talk normal ? It doesn't  mean anything really . "We'd like another sample" .

      Hospitals are a bee hive of activity aren't they ? If you're on the waiting side of the wall it's slow and all but behind those double doors things were hoppin'. So it seemed to me , but I was only back there for a few minutes . Long enough though to see her butt through those hospital gowns they insist you wear . Then off she went to see a lady with a knife . For a sample .

     "We'll let you know , probably in a couple days". I guess things are slower outside the hospital than in . 2 weeks slower . Finally we get a call and the lady says "Mrs Manche , we have the test results back . It says here...."

      I've been thinking about life the last few months . Mine . My families . Others . It's slow . It takes a lifetime to live . Yet it's so fleeting . As a kid the time between January and Christmas was eternity but as a grown up those repetitive holiday song barely go away before they are back again . Where did the time go and what did I do with it ? Did anything I did this year mean something? I was thinking I have a lot of talent . And ability . Gifts that God gave me to serve him and the people He loves . I don't know , maybe I did serve and just don't remember . What a waste if I didn't . My time is limited . So is yours .

        " Cancer . You have cancer Mrs. Manche ".

       Some of us have less than we thought . Though that's not the case with us , thank you Jesus . For now . We caught it early and it's small and they make it out to not be a big deal . Still . Cancer . It's a scary thing but what scares me more I think is not the dying , whenever that is , but the living and how well did I do it . Did I love God with my whole heart ? Did I care for my wife and kids like they were a precious treasure ? Did I love my neighbor as myself ? I gotta say...only sorta .

         Time . We only have so much . Then we don't .


1 comment:

  1. You're an excellent writer and express things in a way others cannot. Thanks for baring your heart that we may pray for Terri, you and your kids.
