Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Election

I'm old . I know this because I don't read the comics anymore .

I mentioned once my dad was a smoker . He got up every morning around 5:30 and sat at the kitchen table and smoked . Light one and smoke it down and light the next off of that one . He just sat there and did it , staring off into the distance , which was about 10 feet . It was a small kitchen . He'd do this until he heard the faint thump in the front yard which signaled the arrival of the newspaper . You remember those . Big paper things people look at when they can't get a wifi signal ? It was my job to go fetch it which was just fine as I needed the fresh air . That and our dog was too retarded to fetch anything .

I only read the comics . Too many words made my head hurt so it helped to have pictures to go along with them . If they'd have had math comics , I mighta passed . The comics were good until politics intruded . I think it was because of all the buzz coming out of my dads mouth about that "crook Nixon". And all that was on the news was Watergate this and Watergate that . And now it was showing up in my comics . Can't grown ups leave us alone ?

I don't like politics . It makes my head hurt too . Maybe because they invaded my comics . Like grown ups peeing on the kiddie pool . Just wrong .

I have a smallish mind and have a difficult time figuring things out . Paper or plastic . Half caf  or decaf . Would you like fries with that ? Keynesian vs supply side economics ? Ok the fry thing is a no brainer . I try , I really do , to figure out our government and country and it's people and what's best for us . We as a country and a people are so big and vast and are SO interconnected and I sit and think and ponder and my mind ususlly goes back to , well , the fries .

I think about God some . And politics . What does He think ? Of the kingdom we have here I mean and the system we set up to run it . I think He's a democrat .

"Attention ! We interrupt this blog before it gets any worse"

Sorry. I haven't written in so long I forgot something along the way. Re-reading, I feel I owe you a refund. Come see me at church on Sunday .

What I was trying to get to at the end of this blog is that there is a kingdom without borders and time in which I am privileged to live . A kingdom of love . Built by my Dad . It too, has a 2 party system and there is a vote every day . And it is to my shame that most days I vote the Mark party without consideration of my . . . . I wanted to say my opponent . Rival .  But He's not . Right? I might be afraid to answer that . Truth is most day I wake up and assume the throne with so little regard to Him and His desires for His kingdom that I'm amazed that I'm not a pile of ashes .

At this point I'm supposed to say I don't want it this way but my actions speak louder than words . Oi vey !  Maybe I'm not as bad as I'm sounding but I'm worse than you think . I'm not sure what He thinks . Probably should find out .

There's an election in a few day and come January there'll be an old or new guy on the throne running the country the way he thinks best and it will work or it wont . I'll do my civic service and vote and then try to be a good citizen for the benefit of my neighbor and my country . And all the while I'll be wondering why I give so much time and attention to a kingdom that will pass away and so much less to the eternal one . 

I hope tomorrow I don't get the vote . I hope I smart enough , wise enough to give it to Him . My Dad . My King .I hope the right Guy gets elected . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Voting is a privilege that many people don't have. For centuries, mankind was at the mercy of the guy with the biggest sword with the most friends with big swords. Today, you have rights and a share in the greatest nation on Earth. It is to die for. In fact, people did die for it. I don't say this to make you feel bad, but if making you feel bad caused you to take you life more seriously and DO something about it, let the bad times roll! But I think you actually like feeling bad. Only you know why that is...
